We were heartbroken recently to have to say goodbye to our Magnolia Tree that has graced the front yard of the Honor Mansion for more than 130 years! It was actually planted before the house was built in 1883. Unfortunately, as it was very old and dying, it had become a hazard and had to be removed.
It was hard to watch it go, not only for us, but for the neighborhood. We had several phone calls of condolences for the loss!
Our Magnolia Room, which had faced out on this tree, will keep it's name as an honor to the old tree. We are in the process of re-landscaping the front yard. While still in the works, I'm sure the result will be something beautiful and relaxing, in keeping with the look and feel of the Honor Mansion Resort.
That is a shame. My late condolences as well. Have you planted a new one as part of the new landscaping? It would be great to see pictures of the continued progress of a growing tree as part of the blog.